part #2 - Major trends observed in cyber security space

April 18, 2017 BY Nick Calver from IT Governance

  Today Food for thought.   Human creates what they envision, not just about technology. In parallel, human finds ways and methods to defend, protect, stop or even to eliminate ...

Ongoing major trends in Cyber Security space; from iOT innovation to 3rd parties risk, and to resources & skills


Today Food for thought.  

Human creates what they envision, not just about technology. In parallel, human finds ways and methods to defend, protect, stop or even to eliminate the exposure. Don't jump into Cyber Security without acknowledging that there’s never “one size fits all” rule for it. It's DNA is constantly evolving, revolving and changing the playing field.



The Internet of Things (IoT) will have repercussions across all organisations

- analyse security functions and privacy requirements across planning, design, development and testing stages pays big dividends in developing a secure IoT application.


Organization ecsystem - internal & external

Organisations need to prioritise data integrity, get serious about monitoring and managing third-party risk and take Collaboration as the solution for cyber security in the supply chain

- Organisations must continually ensure confidence in third parties’ data safeguards, security policies and procedures.

- Managing the risk of data integrity breaches can be done by applying the security basics rigorously – for example, Cyber Essentials, ISO27001.


Resource & Skills

The cyber security skills shortage is not getting any better

- scale and diversity of threats, along with stringent regulation, will mean firms will no longer be able to outsource security risk.

Obtaining the right cyber security practice advisor/practitioners will help overcome skills shortages and drastically improve with live and pragmatic experience, so you can be more proactive in your approach to security by benefitting from global best practices and threat intelligence.

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